Liaison Messenger FORM
Case Studies
Liaison Messenger FORM is our original workflow automation tool. It differs from Liaison Messenger EDD as it provides a built-in Forms Design tool along with specific database connectors. It can be installed and setup to work for any industry, company type, or company size.
The relatively modest price of Messenger is easily recouped in a matter of months for most companies. Being that companies vary in their processes, so do workflow solutions. That is what makes Liaison Messenger so popular. You can create Outbound Document Management solutions that work the way you, your customers, vendors, and employees work and it is remarkably easy to configure.
Being that companies vary in their processes, so do workflow solutions. That is what makes the Liaison Messenger family of solutions so popular. You can easily and quickly create Outbound Document Management solutions that work the way you, your customers, vendors, and employees do.
Links to Case Studies: