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Liaison Reminder - Friendly Payment Reminders - Hassle-Free & Effective
Instead of chasing past-due invoices, start sending courtesy payment reminders a week or so before they're due. Automated Payment Reminders, fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP & SL.
Set It and Forget It – Automated Payment Reminders Are Here!

Here’s how it works: Easy Configuration. Set it up once, and let it handle the rest!
Here's an example of a scheduled
Liaison Reminder routine. As easy as 1...2...3
Reminders are sent on the scheduled weekly run day. In the setup example taken from the above screenshot, they will be sent every Sunday at 1am. For this example, we are using Sunday, March 2nd (BLUE day in calendar).
For a 7-day window, March 2nd - 8th (BLUE/LIGHT BLUE dates in calendar), Liaison Reminder will capture invoices that will be due in NN days. The setup screen above also shows the Auto-Send Reminders NN = 14.
So, in this example, any invoice with a due date between March 16th and March 22nd (ORANGE dates) will have its reminder sent on March 2nd (DARK BLUE date).

Each invoice gets only one reminder email—no duplicates!
Liaison Reminder keeps your accounts receivable organized by automatically sending reminders—so you don’t have to!
Hands-Free Execution – Liaison generates and schedules the emails automatically.
Simple Setup – Just enable reminders in Liaison Reminder, set the timing, and let it run.
Professional & Effective – Customers receive clear, attractive reminders that encourage prompt payment.
In conjunction with Liaison Messenger EDD, attach supporting invoices
Add Liaison Messenger EDD to Liaison Reminder and your customers will also receive a copy of their unpaid invoice attached to the email reminder.
Now, you'll never have to hear... "I don't think we ever got that invoice, can you resend it????"

Automatic Scheduling & Sending
Liaison Reminder generates and queues the reminders—no manual effort required.
Professional, Branded Reminders Sent to Customers
Your customers receive polished, automated payment reminders.

Liaison Reminder works with the following ERP packages. If yours isn't listed call us at 800.811.4618!