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Automated Report Distribution and workflow automation for all business forms and reports
Liaison Messenger FORM is a Business Form centric document delivery server. Utilizing it’s built-in forms design tool, Liaison Messenger FORM allows you to batch fax and batch email invoices, POs, AR Statement, etc from Microsoft Dynamics GP and Sage PFW. Liaison Messenger FORM includes all the needed form templates of each accounting system but allows you to clone, modify, and reconfigure the output. Easily add into your standard business process forms like; Bill-of-Ladings, MSDS, Certificate Of Analysis, Shipping labels, Certificate of Origin, Custom Documents, HIPPA Forms, etc. All generated automatically during an existing run of invoices, POs, Picking Tickets or any other form you wish to piggy-back upon.
If you are running Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, AX, or NAV, SYSPRO, Epicor, other Sage ERP products like Sage 100, Sage 300, Sage 500, X3, and wish to use ”That System’s” existing form templates, don't despair. Then you will want to experience:
Liaison Messenger EDD - is the most robust electronic billing, remittance and document delivery solution on the market today.
As we mentioned above, Liaison Messenger FORM comes with a built-in WYSIWYG form design tool which you can use to create custom forms and layouts for Order Types, Language Specific Forms, and even unique layouts for specific customers, vendors, salespeople etc. Intelligently email, fax or print business forms with no user intervention. Route each ply (copy) of a form to a different method of transmission.
Liaison Messenger FORM is so tightly integrated into your accounting system it detects the version, installed modules, company datasets and location of data files, that setup and deployment is a snap. It even comes with a application mode to automatically identify and process any newly saved and unprinted order for real Unattended Processing.
Liaison Messenger FORM is our original flagship product that was designed exclusively for automating the distribution of business forms.
Key Features and Benefits
1. Distribute business forms via Email, Fax, multiple printers to a local or Secure
Printer, or archived to disk.
2. All forms can be processed individually on an order-by-order basis or a batch of thousands.
3. Liaison Messenger FORM will separate, regroup, and send to the respective recipient using the delivery preference of that recipient/company.
4. Auto-archive all Invoices, Statements, Bills-of-Lading, P.O.s, etc to a secure or
shared network location and control the file naming to match your document
storage or in-bound imaging system.
5. Easily retrieve archived, password protected, Payroll statements from our
client-based retrieval tool.
6. Built-in WYSIWYG Report Writer and unique Form Templates are included for
fast and easy setup.
Liaison Messenger FORM will eliminate:
1. Hours of manually creating unsecure PDF Files for distribution of business forms.
2. The tedious process of manually creating Emails, Attaching, and finally sending these documents.
3. Folding, stuffing, sealing envelopes, postage, and/or manual hand delivery.
4. Between $ 0.55-0.85 of cost per mailed document
Liaison Messenger FORM 4.0 Workflow Example
Easily add, modify and remove any routing method imaginable. Here we will show a popular scenario for distributing Purchase Orders. Also please note that the screen below is for configuring routing and runs on the server. The end-users who process forms will not see or have to understand the script. They simply print from their workstation like they normally would.

This example is for printing and electronically distributing Purchase Orders from Microsoft Dynamics GP . The Purchase Orders will be automatically processed upon Saving the order In Dynamics GP. They can also be queued up to be sent in a Batch Mode as well.
Once Saved by the end-user, the Messenger Server identifies the presence of the new order(s) sing a proprietary bi-directional polling trigger.
Liaison Messenger Server will then extract the data from the SQL tables and begin executing each Ply in order..
It will first Email a copy of the Purchase Order(s), individually or batched, in a PDF file to the respective Vendor(s).
Then, once all P.O.s have been Emailed, Liaison Messenger will proceed to print a copy on the HP LaserJet in the Purchasing Department.
After the job is submitted to the print queue for the purchasing department, Messenger will begin distributing the Receiving Department copies via Print, Email, or Fax depending, of course, on how each Warehouse (Local or Remote) wants to receive their copies of the Purchase Orders.
Finally, a copy of each Purchase Order will be archived in a secure network location for easy retrieval and storage.
Whether we are sending one P.O. or 500, every single one of these operations happens within seconds of each other without any user intervention.