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Extend your Liaison Messenger EDD scripts with Stored SQL Procedures, SSRS Reporting Management, automated Crystal Report scheduling, Microsoft Outlook monitoring, etc...
Imagine being able to create automation scripts that weave stored SQL Procedures, with a SQL Reporting Services or ad-hoc Crystal Reports.
Maybe schedule nightly jobs that perform auto-aging routines and automatically pass arguments to a custom Crystal Report that creates MSDS files or weekly HR performance reports.
Perhaps you need to daisy-chain a series of stored procedures and custom reports during standard invoice printing from your accounting system. Or weekly scripts to perform file management, and maybe ftp archives to off-site servers.
Key Features and Benefits
As you can probably tell right now, Liaison Messenger EDD is different, innovative, and was developed with a vision. For the reseller or integrator, Liaison Messenger EDD PLUS is a tool that knows no limit. How much do you or your client wish to automate? What kind of solutions could you deliver that might bring everyone to the next level. From accounting to manufacturing, sales to human resources, workflow automation can benefit everyone.
Putting the PLUS option into the hands of professional problem-solvers is like laying a paintbrush into the hands of artists. For the IT folks, Liaison Messenger EDD PLUS can enable you to automate contingency plans, requirements, and housekeeping; but, also automate the day-to-day operations.
Not only for your department, the entire organization. Since Messenger EDD calls and accesses the tools you already use with the data you already know; automating; the who, what, where, and when is as simple as stacking blocks. We invite you to contact Liaison Software Corporation and watch a demonstration. Throw out your needs, problems, questions, and what-if scenarios...
With Messenger EDD's unique ability to capture data from the print stream of the report processed you could….
· Launching web services from a Powershell script.
· Trigger running additional reports within a
Messenger EDD script.
· Schedule and run executables within a
Messenger EDD script.
· Add "clickable" QR cod to a form/report for ....
Additional Features of the PLUS option
· Schedule and execute SQL Stored Procedures
· Crystal Reports Scheduler
· ftp File Distribution
· .ZIP File and Folder Compression
Liaison Messenger EDD PLUS Workflow Example
This PLUS Option enhanced script is illustrates the power and vast capabilities available with the PLUS option.
As stated under Liaison Messenger EDD; you can easily add, modify and remove any routing method. The screen you see is that of the Liaison Messenger Server's Automation Rules and Resources screen and runs on the server.
1. This PLUS Script is a Scheduled Action that performs a specific maintenance routine that will execute every Sunday at 1:00am.
2. The first line will gather all "Production Job Tickets" which are in a PDF format in the specified Destination folder and compress them into a single .ZIP file.
3. After all the Job Tickets zipped, the newly created ZIP file is Uploaded using FTP to the companies Remote backup server located in Houston.
4. Once that procedure has finished, EDD PLUS will execute a user-defined Stored SQL Procedure that pre-processes and populates a custom SQL work table that identifies the Shop floors Work Center backlog.
5. After the stored procedure has finished, an in-house designed custom Crystal Report will be run and the output pointed to Liaison Messenger EDD for distribution to its designated recipients after this PLUS script completes.
6. Once the Crystal Report has finished, clear any user Memvars and run another stored SQL procedure which updates the home-grown MRP system's Master Schedule.
7. One of the IT personnel wrote a small Visual Basic application to fulfill a special need that updates a legacy calendaring application and needed to execute it immediately after the Master Schedule was updated.
8. Before ending this weeks maintenance operation, delete that source ZIP file that was created during Line 1
9. Finally, send an Email to the IT individual who created this script notifying him/her the job has completed.