Liaison Messenger EDD
Case Studies
Invoices: The process begins with the end-user Printing Invoices out of their accounting system just like they've always done. The only difference would be
selecting the Liaison Messenger EDD printer driver. The print stream is then routed to the Messenger EDD Server and executes the respective script for that document type. The Messenger EDD server, scripts, etc are executed on the server. It is 100% transparent to the end-user printing the documents. As you can see, the only training is selecting our printer driver, which, can also be assigned to the documents (Invoice) as the default printer.
Attach Outstanding Invoices to Statement in One PDF with Variable Attachment Feature
CHALLENGE: Would like to send AR Statements including copies of every outstanding invoice that appears on the statement.
SOLUTION: This actually is quite simple and not described around any one customer in particular. In fact, we would bet 90% of our user base does it this way. When the Liaison Messenger EDD Server installation wizard is performed, the scripts that run the Invoices, as well as the AR Statements, are pre-configured to perform this task automatically by default.

On the Messenger EDD Server, the invoice print stream is received and the Invoice script (that appears below) executes automatically with no user intervention.
Line 1:
Sends a copy of the Invoice to the Customer using their preference (email, fax, ftp, or printed and mailed)
Line 2:
Creates a copy of the Invoice and stores it in the designated folder which they will use for Archiving (or document management)
Line 3:
Sends a copy of the Invoice to the Salesperson (of that account) using the salesperson's preference (email, fax, or printed to their printer)

Upon first-time installation, the end-user runs an Archive Only process that recreates all of the historical invoicesand establishes the designated archive folder with a copy of every invoice.
AR Statements:
Just like printing Invoices, the end-user simply prints Statements out of their accounting system and directs the output to the Liaison Messenger EDD printer driver where the print stream is sent to the Messenger EDD Server.
On the Messenger EDD Server, the AR Statement script looks like this.
Line 1: Sends a copy of the Statement to the Salesperson (of that account) using their preference (EXCLUDING the outstanding Invoices)
Line 2: Creates a copy of the Statement and stores it in the designated Statements folder (EXCLUDING the outstanding Invoices).
Line 3: Intelligently "reads" the Statement and pulls a copy, from the designated Archived Invoice folder, of each Invoice and Assembles the Document
Line 4: Sends a copy of the assembled Statement to the Customer using their preference (email, fax, or printed and mailed)

All this was accomplished simply by printing to our printer driver. The complexity and distribution takes place on the Messenger EDD server without any user intervention...